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How private equity firms use operational due diligence to evaluate agribusiness investments

Private equity investments in the agribusiness sector have gained significant traction in recent years, as investors seek to capitalise on the growing global demand for food and agricultural products. However, investing in agribusiness comes with its own set of challenges and risks, making it crucial for private equity firms to conduct thorough operational due diligence before committing capital. In this article, we will explore how private equity firms use operational due diligence to assess the operational strengths and weaknesses of agribusiness targets, mitigate risks, and identify value creation opportunities.

Understanding operational due diligence

Operational due diligence is a comprehensive process that involves assessing a target company’s operational capabilities, efficiency, and potential for value creation. The primary purpose of operational due diligence is to provide private equity firms with a deep understanding of the target’s operations, enabling them to make informed investment decisions and develop effective post-investment strategies.

The key components of operational due diligence include:

  • Assessing operational efficiency and profitability
  • Evaluating management capabilities and organisational structure
  • Analysing supply chain and logistics
  • Examining regulatory compliance and environmental sustainability

In the context of agribusiness investments, operational due diligence plays a crucial role in identifying and mitigating the unique operational risks associated with the sector, such as shifts in consumer demand, commodity price volatility, and environmental risks.

The importance of operational due diligence cannot be overstated. By conducting a thorough assessment of the target’s operations, private equity firms can identify potential risks and challenges that may significantly impact the success of the investment. These risks can include operational inefficiencies, supply chain disruptions, and regulatory compliance issues that could lead to increased costs, reduced productivity, or legal liabilities.

Moreover, operational due diligence helps assess the target’s ability to generate sustainable growth by evaluating the scalability of its operations and identifying opportunities for expansion and diversification. This process also allows private equity firms to determine the feasibility of their investment thesis by validating assumptions about the target’s operational capabilities and its ability to align with the firm’s overall investment strategy.

Ultimately, the insights gained through operational due diligence provide a foundation for post-acquisition value creation, enabling private equity firms to identify areas for operational improvements and develop a roadmap for long-term success.


The pre-investment operational due diligence process begins with establishing clear objectives and scope for the assessment. Private equity firms typically assemble a cross-functional team of experts, including operations, finance, and industry specialists, to conduct the operational due diligence.

The team starts by gathering and reviewing relevant operational and financial documentation, such as production records, supply chain contracts, and environmental compliance reports. They also assess industry and market trends to identify potential opportunities and threats.

During this initial screening, the operational due diligence team looks for potential red flags and areas of concern, such as operational inefficiencies, management capability gaps, or regulatory non-compliance. Based on these findings, the team plans site visits and management interviews to gain a deeper understanding of the target’s operations.

On-site operational due diligence assessments

The on-site operational due diligence assessment is a critical step in the process, as it allows the private equity firm to observe the target’s operations firsthand and interact directly with key management personnel. Interviews with management can provide insights into their operational knowledge, experience, and leadership capabilities. This helps the operational due diligence team to identify any potential leadership gaps or succession issues that could impact the target’s long-term performance.

During facility tours and inspections, the operational due diligence team evaluates production processes, equipment condition, and health and safety practices. They assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the target’s operations, identifying potential areas for improvement or modernisation.

The team also analyses operational data and metrics, benchmarking the target’s performance against industry standards. This analysis helps identify operational inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and opportunities for cost savings or revenue enhancement.

Post-investment considerations

Once the private equity firm has acquired the target, the focus shifts to developing and implementing an actionable value creation roadmap. The operational due diligence findings serve as a foundation for identifying operational improvement initiatives and setting performance targets and milestones.

The private equity firm establishes key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor and track the target’s operational performance. Regular reporting and review processes are implemented to ensure that the value creation plan remains on track and that any deviations are promptly addressed.

Challenges and best practices

Conducting operational due diligence in the agribusiness sector comes with its own set of challenges. One of the primary challenges is overcoming data limitations and information asymmetry. Agribusiness targets, particularly smaller or family-owned operations, may not have sophisticated data tracking and reporting systems in place, making it difficult for operational due diligence teams to obtain accurate and comprehensive information.

Another challenge is balancing the thoroughness of the due diligence process with transaction timelines. Private equity firms must ensure that their operational due diligence efforts are rigorous enough to uncover potential risks and opportunities, while also being mindful of the time-sensitive nature of any investment.

To overcome these challenges, firms should adapt their operational due diligence approach to the specific target, which would involve engaging local experts. Effective collaboration and communication between the due diligence team and other transaction stakeholders, such as investment professionals and other advisers, is also essential. Regular information sharing and alignment of objectives can help ensure that the operational due diligence process remains focused and efficient.

Work with our due diligence experts

By embracing best practices and continually refining their operational due diligence processes, private equity firms can ensure that their agribusiness investments deliver strong returns and contribute to the long-term sustainability and growth of their acquisitions.

At Farrelly Mitchell, our commercial and technical consultants provide tailored support to food and agribusinesses seeking profitability, efficiency, and growth. Our dedicated due diligence team can quickly and discreetly assess all aspects of a potential investment to evaluate opportunities, assess operational performance, and identify risks. To learn more about our services and make informed investment decisions, contact us today.


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Nathan Davies

Managing Partner
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