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ESG due diligence for agrifood investments

ESG Due Diligence

ESG due diligence involves the assessment of risks and opportunities relating to the environmental, social and governance implications of an investment. Before undertaking an investment in agribusiness, there are a range of factors to investigate.

Environmental issues to consider include:

  • Pollution and resource use
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Climate change

Social issues to consider include:

  • Community health and safety, particularly in underprivileged areas
  • Labour practices and working conditions
  • Land rights and tenure

Governance issues to consider include:

  • Executive pay
  • Track record of management
  • Shareholder’s rights

Farrelly Mitchell: ESG Due Diligence experts

Environmental and social factors are intrinsically linked to agricultural activities and can play a major role in the overall performance and reputation of any agrifood business. For this reason, ESG performance must be considered an essential component of any due diligence process, and given equal weight to the commercial, technical, and operational aspects of an investment.

Our agrifood consultants provide a wide range of supports for investments, mergers & acquisitions. In addition to our commercial, technical, and ESG due diligence services, we offer feasibility & financial modelling, risk analysis & management, and value creation & implementation. Contact us to today to leverage our commercial expertise and maximise your return on investment.

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ESG due diligence for agrifood investments


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